how to keep your leads warm while you're on vacation

It’s December, which means that in most of the US, it’s starting to get cold, and most people start planning their winter getaways. However, you’re not most people.

You’re a Real Estate Agent who struggles to take vacation because you need to be “always on,” and time away from work means less income for you and your family.

But what if we told you that you could stay “on” while being OOO? Come along, let us explain.

How to nurture your leads while you’re on vacation

We all know the name of the game is client and lead nurture.

You already know all the stats, like that 30-50% of sales go to the vendor that responds first, and that 80% of all US sales happen on the 5th – 12th contact, but despite that most salespeople give up after only 2 touches. (source)

So you stay. And you nurture. And that’s great! But you don’t have to do it one-by-one. This is especially true if you want to scale, and more-so if you want to go on vacation (which you deserve).

You can actually automate and schedule your communication while you’re away, so your work doesn’t skip a beat while your toes are in the sand.

Here are our tips on how to nurture your leads while you’re soaking up the sun.

Schedule emails before you go on a trip

Need to send an email while you’re away?

Whether it is a single contact or a group of contacts, you can schedule a personalized message with LionDesk. You can type in your own email or select from LionDesk provided email templates.

schedule LionDesk Email

You can also schedule recurring emails for birthdays, holidays, and more!

Learn how to schedule an email through LionDesk.

Create drip campaigns to nurture your leads and clients

Drip Campaigns are a great way to set up consistent communication with your contacts, no matter where you are or what you’re doing. 

You can create email templates and schedule them over the course of a few weeks, months, or even years! Campaigns are a great way to follow up with new leads, nurture past clients, and connect with your contacts. 

Learn how to create drip campaigns in LionDesk

Let LionDesk do the heavy lifting for you

You work hard, but don’t work work harder than you have to. Let LionDesk do the mundane work for you so you can focus on what you’re really good at, and so you can rest and relax and come back to work refreshed.

Now go book that trip!

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Try it for free with our 14 Day Free Trial, just in time for your trip!

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